- catlas.parity.parity_utils.get_general_plot(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, output_path: str, number_steps, energy_key1='DFT_energy', energy_key2='ML_energy') dict #
Creates the pdf parity plot for all smiles and returns a dictionary summarizing plot results.
- catlas.parity.parity_utils.get_model_id(checkpoint_path: str) str #
get the npz path for a specific checkpoint file
- catlas.parity.parity_utils.get_parity_upfront(config, run_id)#
Get parity plot to cover intended scope of work in catlas.
- Parameters
config – a dictionary loaded from a catlas input yaml
run_id – name of the output folder
- catlas.parity.parity_utils.get_specific_smile_plot(smile: str, df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, output_path: str, number_steps, energy_key1='DFT_energy', energy_key2='ML_energy') dict #
Creates the pdf parity plot for a given smile and returns a dictionary summarizing plot results
- catlas.parity.parity_utils.make_parity_plots(df_filtered, config, output_path, number_steps_all)#
Makes the general and smile specific parity plots for a given configuration.
- catlas.parity.parity_utils.make_subplot(subplot, df, name, number_steps, energy_key1, energy_key2) dict #
Helper function for larger plot generation. Processes each subplot.
- catlas.parity.parity_utils.update_info(info_dict: dict, name: str, info_to_add: dict) dict #
Helper function for summary dictionary generation. Updates the dictionary for each split.