
HW1 (due 9/4)#

Catalyst deactivation in a batch reactor [50 pts]#

Consider the irreversible, liquid-phase isomerization reaction carried out in a solvent containing dissolved catalyst at 25 C in a batch reactor:

\[\begin{align*} \ce{B ->[k_b] C} \end{align*}\]

The apparent first-order reaction rate constant \(k_b\) decreases with time because of catalyst deterioriation. A chemist friend of yours has studied the catalyst deactivation process and has proposed that it can be modeled with

\[\begin{align*} k_b = \frac{k}{1+k_dt} \end{align*}\]

in which \(k\) is the fresh catalyst rate constant and \(k_d\) is the deactivation rate constant.

We can derive the ODE to solve by starting with a mol balance on the entire system:

\[\begin{align*} \frac{dN_b}{dt} &=N_b^0 - Vr \\ \frac{dC_b}{dt} &= -k_bC_b=-\frac{kC_b}{1+k_dt} \end{align*}\]

with the initial condition \(C_b(t=0)=C_{b0}=5\) M.

Mol balance solve#

Solve the mole balance for \(C_B(t)\) assuming \(k\)=0.6/hr and \(k_d\)=2/hr for the first two hours. Plot the conversion % for your solution (defined as \(1-C_B(t)/C_{B0}\)).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp

# define parameters
k = 0.6  # 1/hr
k_d = 2.0  # 1/hr
Cb_0 = 5  # M

# define the ODE
def dCb_dt(t: float, Cb: float) -> float:
    return -(k * Cb) / (1 + k_d * t)

# define time span and eval times
t_span = [0, 5]
t_eval = np.linspace(*t_span, 50)

# integrate ODE
sol = solve_ivp(fun=dCb_dt, t_span=t_span, y0=[Cb_0], t_eval=t_eval)

# get Cb(t)
Cb_t = sol.y[0]

# compute conversion %
conv = 1 - Cb_t / Cb_0

# plot conversion
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(t_eval, conv)
ax.set_xlabel("t [hr]")
ax.set_ylabel(r"conversion %")
Text(0, 0.5, 'conversion %')

If it takes two hours to reach 50% conversion and the fresh catalyst has a rate constant of 0.6/hr what is the actual \(k_d\)?#

We know that \(C_b(t=0)=C_{b0}\), \(\frac{C_b(t=2)}{C_{b0}} = 0.5\) and \(k = 0.6/hr\). We attempt to solve the ODE analytically to find an expression for \(C_b(t)\):

\[\begin{align*} \frac{dC_b}{dt} &= -\frac{k C_b}{1+k_d t} \\ \Rightarrow \ln \frac{C_b(t)}{C_{b0}} &= -\frac{k}{k_d} \ln(k_d t +1) \\ \end{align*}\]

To solve for \(k_d\), we use scipy.optimize.fsolve:

from scipy.optimize import fsolve

# define parameters
t = 2.0  # h
conv_at_t = 0.5  # C_b(t=2)/C_b0
k = 0.6  # 1/hr

# ODE function to integrate
def dCb_dt(t: float, Cb: float, k_d: float) -> float:
    return -(k * Cb) / (1 + k_d * t)

# Objective to decide how close the solution is for a given k_d
# We want to make this objective equal to 0!
def objective(k_d):

    # Solve the ODE
    sol = solve_ivp(fun=dCb_dt, t_span=[0, 2], y0=[Cb_0], args=(k_d,))

    # Get the final concentration
    Cb = sol.y[0, -1]

    # Return how far the final conversion is from 0.5
    return (1 - (Cb / Cb_0)) - 0.5

k_d_actual = fsolve(func=objective, x0=[2])[0]

print(f"The actual k_d is {k_d_actual:.3f}")
The actual k_d is 0.877

Using \(k_d\) you found from the previous step, use solve_ivp events to determine how long it takes to reach 75% conversion in the reactor.#

# create new event for conversion = 0.75
def conversionTargetReached(t: float, Cb: np.array, k_d: float) -> float:
    return (1 - (Cb[0] / Cb_0)) - 0.75

conversionTargetReached.terminal = True

# set longer time span
t_span = [0, 10]
t_eval = np.linspace(*t_span, 50)

# integrate ODE with event
sol = solve_ivp(

# print time of event
print("Conversion target hit at: " + str(sol.t_events[0][0]) + " h.")
Conversion target hit at: 7.508500707147827 h.

Catalyst refresh#

Say that we can stop the batch process after 2 hours, filter the spent catalyst, and replace with fresh catalyst. \(C_B\) will start wherever the first reaction left off. Solve and plot for \(C_B(t)\) over 5 hours, and include the plot with the catalyst refresh. Include a legend on the plot to label each solution

# we define a piecewise function to model the catalyst refresh
def dCb_dt_refresh(t: float, Cb: float, refresh: bool = True) -> float:
    if t > 2.0 and refresh is True:
        k_b = k / (1 + k_d_actual * (t - 2.0))
        k_b = k / (1 + k_d_actual * t)

    return -k_b * Cb

# set longer time span
t_span = [0, 5]
t_eval = np.linspace(*t_span, 50)

# integrate with refresh
# Note: k_b(t) is non-smooth -> use implicit method
sol_with_refresh = solve_ivp(

Cb_with_refresh = sol_with_refresh.y[0]

# integrate without refresh
sol_without_refresh = solve_ivp(
    fun=dCb_dt_refresh, t_span=t_span, y0=[Cb_0], t_eval=t_eval, args=(False,)

Cb_without_refresh = sol_without_refresh.y[0]

# plot concentrations over time
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(t_eval, Cb_with_refresh, label="with catalyst refresh")
ax.plot(t_eval, Cb_without_refresh, label="without catalyst refresh")
ax.set_xlabel("t [hr]")
ax.set_ylabel(r"$C_b(t)$ [M]")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f35d7a6aac0>

We could also do this with two different ODE solves! Both give the same answer.

# we define a piecewise function to model the catalyst refresh
def dCb_dt(t: float, Cb: float) -> float:
    k_b = k / (1 + k_d_actual * t)
    return -k_b * Cb

# integrate before refresh
sol_before_refresh = solve_ivp(
    t_span=[0, 2],
    t_eval=np.linspace(0, 2),

# Integrate after refresh using the final concentration from the previous step
sol_after_refresh = solve_ivp(
    t_span=[0, 3],
    y0=[sol_before_refresh.y[0, -1]],
    t_eval=np.linspace(0, 3),

# Combine the times and concentrations into one solution
# Note that the second time has 2 added to it!
Cb_with_refresh = np.hstack((sol_before_refresh.y, sol_after_refresh.y)).T
t_eval_with_refresh = np.hstack((sol_before_refresh.t, 2 + sol_after_refresh.t))

# Integrate without refresh
sol_without_refresh = solve_ivp(fun=dCb_dt, t_span=t_span, y0=[Cb_0], t_eval=t_eval)
Cb_without_refresh = sol_without_refresh.y[0]

# plot concentrations over time
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(t_eval_with_refresh, Cb_with_refresh, label="with catalyst refresh")
ax.plot(t_eval, Cb_without_refresh, label="without catalyst refresh")
ax.set_xlabel("t [hr]")
ax.set_ylabel(r"$C_b(t)$ [M]")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f35d79356d0>

Curve fitting with two species and multiple data (50 pt)#

Consider the irreversible reaction:

\[\begin{align*} \ce{A + B -> Products} \end{align*}\]

with \(r=kC_A^nC_B^m\) taking place in an isothermal liquid-phase batch reactor. Measurements of \(C_A\) vs \(C_B\) are included in the attached file isothermal_liquidphase_batch_data.dat. We wish to determine from the data the rate constant and the order of the reaction with respect to A and B. We have data from two experiments.

Load the data from the file into a numpy array and plot the concentration of each species#

You can use either the csv library https://docs.python.org/3/library/csv.html or pandas https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.read_csv.html.

The first column is time in minutes. The second and third column is C_A and C_B for the first experiment (in mol/L). The fourth and fifth column is C_A and C_B for the second experiment. Plot the data for \(C_A\) and \(C_B\) for each experiment (one experiment per figure).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

# read data using regular expression separator
df = pd.read_csv(
    names=["t", "C_A1", "C_B1", "C_A2", "C_B2"],

# divide data into two data frames with same columns
cols = ["t", "C_A", "C_B"]
df_exp1 = df[["t", "C_A1", "C_B1"]]
df_exp1.columns = cols
df_exp2 = df[["t", "C_A2", "C_B2"]]
df_exp2.columns = cols

# plot data from experiment 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
# df_exp1.plot(x="t", ax=ax1)
ax[0].set_xlabel("t [min]")
ax[0].set_title("Experiment 1")

# plot data from experiment 2
ax[1].set_ylabel("C [mol/L]")
ax[1].set_xlabel("t [min]")
ax[1].set_title("Experiment 2")


Using lmfit, estimate rate parameters \(k, n, m\) and initial concentration \(C_{A0},C_{B0}\) from the data in the first experiment using a numerical solution for the concentrations of each species (standard mol balance + odeint). Plot the final fit of the experiment along with the experimental data and calculate the uncertainty in each value#

import numpy as np
from lmfit import Model
from scipy.integrate import odeint, solve_ivp

# define ODe for ivp
def reaction_ODE_ivp(t, C, k, n, m):
    C_A, C_B = C
    r = k * (C_A**n) * (C_B**m)
    dC_A_dt = -r
    dC_B_dt = -r
    return np.array([dC_A_dt, dC_B_dt])

# integrate ODE using ivp
def integrate_ODE(t, C_A0, C_B0, k, n, m, method):
    sol = solve_ivp(
        t_span=(0, t[-1]),
        y0=np.array([C_A0, C_B0]),
        args=(k, n, m),
    C = sol.y.T
    return C

# define model and fit to data
def fit_model_to_data(t, C_A, C_B, integration_method="RK45"):

    data = np.concatenate([C_A, C_B], axis=1)
    gmodel = Model(
        param_names=["C_A0", "C_B0", "k", "n", "m"],

    params = gmodel.make_params(C_A0=C_A[0, 0], C_B0=C_B[0, 0], k=2.0, n=2.0, m=2.0)
    result = gmodel.fit(data=data, params=params, t=t)

    return result

# plot data and predictions
def plot_result(result, t, C_A, C_B, ax, title):
    prediction = result.eval(t=t)
    # plot data from experiment
    ax.scatter(t, C_A, label="Data $C_A$", marker="x", color="b")
    ax.scatter(t, C_B, label="Data $C_B$", marker="x", color="r")
    # plot predictions
    ax.plot(t, prediction[:, 0], label="Prediction", color="k")
    ax.plot(t, prediction[:, 1], color="k")
    ax.set_ylabel("C [mol/L]")
    ax.set_xlabel("t [min]")

# get data as numpy arrays
t = df["t"].values
C_A1 = df["C_A1"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
C_B1 = df["C_B1"].values.reshape(-1, 1)

result1 = fit_model_to_data(t, C_A1, C_B1)
t_eval = t

# plot data from experiment 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plot_result(result1, t_eval, C_A1, C_B1, ax, "Experiment 1")

# print model info
    Model(integrate_ODE, method='RK45')
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # fitting method   = leastsq
    # function evals   = 613
    # data points      = 200
    # variables        = 5
    chi-square         = 1.74113683
    reduced chi-square = 0.00892891
    Akaike info crit   = -938.755824
    Bayesian info crit = -922.264237
    C_A0:  1.95374598 +/- 0.04451124 (2.28%) (init = 1.785)
    C_B0:  3.96043184 +/- 0.04452466 (1.12%) (init = 4.036)
    k:     3.26348562 +/- 17.0540000 (522.57%) (init = 2)
    n:     3.15625683 +/- 1.64028660 (51.97%) (init = 2)
    m:    -2.16720723 +/- 4.74031974 (218.73%) (init = 2)
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
    C(k, m)       = -1.000
    C(n, m)       = -0.997
    C(k, n)       = 0.997
    C(C_A0, C_B0) = 0.955
    C(C_B0, m)    = 0.584
    C(C_B0, k)    = -0.583
    C(C_A0, m)    = 0.579
    C(C_A0, k)    = -0.579
    C(C_B0, n)    = -0.550
    C(C_A0, n)    = -0.540

Consider the second experiment, estimate the parameters using only this data. Comment on how the values and confidence intervals are different than the first case#

# get data as numpy arrays
t = df["t"].values
C_A2 = df["C_A2"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
C_B2 = df["C_B2"].values.reshape(-1, 1)

result2 = fit_model_to_data(t, C_A2, C_B2, integration_method="RK45")

# plot data from experiment 2
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plot_result(result2, t_eval, C_A2, C_B2, ax, "Experiment 2")

# print model info
    Model(integrate_ODE, method='RK45')
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # fitting method   = leastsq
    # function evals   = 194
    # data points      = 200
    # variables        = 5
    chi-square         = 1.68848917
    reduced chi-square = 0.00865892
    Akaike info crit   = -944.896644
    Bayesian info crit = -928.405057
    C_A0:  5.02591001 +/- 0.05648774 (1.12%) (init = 5.059)
    C_B0:  3.01505138 +/- 0.05636400 (1.87%) (init = 2.888)
    k:     0.03315831 +/- 0.01859468 (56.08%) (init = 2)
    n:     2.98279103 +/- 0.48681468 (16.32%) (init = 2)
    m:     0.69365669 +/- 0.14775385 (21.30%) (init = 2)
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
    C(k, n)       = -1.000
    C(n, m)       = -0.979
    C(k, m)       = 0.979
    C(C_A0, C_B0) = 0.973
    C(C_A0, n)    = 0.440
    C(C_A0, k)    = -0.430
    C(C_B0, n)    = 0.419
    C(C_B0, k)    = -0.409
    C(C_A0, m)    = -0.354
    C(C_B0, m)    = -0.324

Estimate the parameters using both experiments simultaneously. Are the confidence intervals better? Comment on why or why not.#

# integrate both ODEs using respective initial conditions
def integrate_ODE_both(t, C_A0_1, C_B0_1, C_A0_2, C_B0_2, k, n, m, method):
    C_1 = solve_ivp(
        t_span=(0, t[-1]),
        y0=np.array([C_A0_1, C_B0_1]),
        args=(k, n, m),
    C_2 = solve_ivp(
        t_span=(0, t[-1]),
        y0=np.array([C_A0_2, C_B0_2]),
        args=(k, n, m),

    return np.concatenate([C_1, C_2], axis=1)

# define and fit model
def fit_model_to_data_both(
    t, C_A_1, C_B_1, C_A_2, C_B_2, integration_method=["RK45", "RK45"]
    # define data set
    data = np.concatenate([C_A_1, C_B_1, C_A_2, C_B_2], axis=1)

    # define model
    gmodel = Model(
        param_names=["C_A0_1", "C_B0_1", "C_A0_2", "C_B0_2", "k", "n", "m"],

    params = gmodel.make_params(
        # initial guesses - very sensitive

    result = gmodel.fit(data=data, params=params, t=t)

    return result

# plot predictions and data
def plot_results_both(results_both, t, C_A1, C_B1, C_A2, C_B2, ax, title):
    prediction = result_both.eval(t=t)
    ax[0].scatter(t, C_A1, label="Data $C_A$", marker="x", color="b")
    ax[0].scatter(t, C_B1, label="Data $C_B$", marker="x", color="r")
    ax[0].plot(t, prediction[:, 0], label="Prediction", color="k")
    ax[0].plot(t, prediction[:, 1], color="k")
    ax[0].set_ylabel("C [mol/L]")
    ax[0].set_xlabel("t [min]")
    ax[0].set_title("Experiment 1 " + title)

    ax[1].scatter(t, C_A2, label="Data $C_A$", marker="x", color="b")
    ax[1].scatter(t, C_B2, label="Data $C_B$", marker="x", color="r")
    ax[1].plot(t, prediction[:, 2], label="Prediction", color="k")
    ax[1].plot(t, prediction[:, 3], color="k")
    ax[1].set_ylabel("C [mol/L]")
    ax[1].set_xlabel("t [min]")
    ax[1].set_title("Experiment 2 " + title)

# fit model
result_both = fit_model_to_data_both(
    t, C_A1, C_B1, C_A2, C_B2, integration_method=["RK45", "RK45"]

# plot data from both experiments
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
plot_results_both(result_both, t, C_A1, C_B1, C_A2, C_B2, ax, "noisy")

# print model info
    Model(integrate_ODE_both, method='['RK45', 'RK45']')
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # fitting method   = leastsq
    # function evals   = 175
    # data points      = 400
    # variables        = 7
    chi-square         = 3.46646955
    reduced chi-square = 0.00882053
    Akaike info crit   = -1885.33116
    Bayesian info crit = -1857.39091
    C_A0_1:  1.96326640 +/- 0.02921224 (1.49%) (init = 2)
    C_B0_1:  3.96989620 +/- 0.02957283 (0.74%) (init = 4)
    C_A0_2:  4.98419433 +/- 0.04920060 (0.99%) (init = 5)
    C_B0_2:  2.97642345 +/- 0.04963032 (1.67%) (init = 3)
    k:       0.09838761 +/- 0.00342137 (3.48%) (init = 2)
    n:       2.03729617 +/- 0.03103060 (1.52%) (init = 2)
    m:       0.98457641 +/- 0.02522301 (2.56%) (init = 2)
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
    C(C_A0_2, C_B0_2) = 0.965
    C(C_A0_1, C_B0_1) = 0.898
    C(k, n)           = -0.893
    C(k, m)           = -0.697
    C(n, m)           = 0.572
    C(C_B0_2, n)      = 0.524
    C(C_A0_2, n)      = 0.500
    C(C_B0_2, m)      = 0.413
    C(C_B0_2, k)      = -0.370
    C(C_A0_2, m)      = 0.343
    C(C_B0_1, m)      = 0.333
    C(C_A0_2, k)      = -0.312
    C(C_A0_1, m)      = 0.300
    C(C_A0_1, C_B0_2) = 0.146
    C(C_B0_1, C_B0_2) = 0.137
    C(C_A0_1, C_A0_2) = 0.135
    C(C_B0_1, C_A0_2) = 0.127
    C(C_B0_1, k)      = 0.116

Using the noisy data in isothermal_liquidphase_batch_errorfree.dat, repeat the fit using all of the data. Do the results agree with your initial trials?#

# load noise-free data
df_ef = pd.read_csv(
    names=["t", "C_A1", "C_B1", "C_A2", "C_B2"],

# divide data into two data frames with same columns
cols = ["t", "C_A", "C_B"]
df_exp1_ef = df_ef[["t", "C_A1", "C_B1"]]
df_exp1_ef.columns = cols
df_exp2_ef = df_ef[["t", "C_A2", "C_B2"]]
df_exp2_ef.columns = cols

t_ef = df_ef["t"].values
C_A1_ef = df_ef["C_A1"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
C_B1_ef = df_ef["C_B1"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
C_A2_ef = df_ef["C_A2"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
C_B2_ef = df_ef["C_B2"].values.reshape(-1, 1)

# fit model to data
result_both_ef = fit_model_to_data_both(
    t_ef, C_A1_ef, C_B1_ef, C_A2_ef, C_B2_ef, integration_method=["RK45", "RK45"]

# plot data from both experiments
fig_ef, ax_ef = plt.subplots(1, 2)
    result_both_ef, t_ef, C_A1_ef, C_B1_ef, C_A2_ef, C_B2_ef, ax_ef, "noise-free"
# print model info
    Model(integrate_ODE_both, method='['RK45', 'RK45']')
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # fitting method   = leastsq
    # function evals   = 232
    # data points      = 400
    # variables        = 7
    chi-square         = 3.0180e-04
    reduced chi-square = 7.6793e-07
    Akaike info crit   = -5624.88794
    Bayesian info crit = -5596.94769
    C_A0_1:  2.00087760 +/- 2.7655e-04 (0.01%) (init = 2)
    C_B0_1:  4.00093588 +/- 2.7998e-04 (0.01%) (init = 4)
    C_A0_2:  5.00230800 +/- 4.5646e-04 (0.01%) (init = 5)
    C_B0_2:  3.00237988 +/- 4.6023e-04 (0.02%) (init = 3)
    k:       0.10032598 +/- 3.2176e-05 (0.03%) (init = 2)
    n:       1.99989908 +/- 2.8352e-04 (0.01%) (init = 2)
    m:       1.00227331 +/- 2.3422e-04 (0.02%) (init = 2)
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
    C(C_A0_2, C_B0_2) = 0.964
    C(C_A0_1, C_B0_1) = 0.901
    C(k, n)           = -0.890
    C(k, m)           = -0.704
    C(n, m)           = 0.571
    C(C_B0_2, n)      = 0.523
    C(C_A0_2, n)      = 0.501
    C(C_B0_2, m)      = 0.412
    C(C_B0_2, k)      = -0.371
    C(C_A0_2, m)      = 0.341
    C(C_B0_1, m)      = 0.339
    C(C_A0_2, k)      = -0.312
    C(C_A0_1, m)      = 0.307
    C(C_A0_1, C_B0_2) = 0.152
    C(C_B0_1, C_B0_2) = 0.143
    C(C_A0_1, C_A0_2) = 0.141
    C(C_B0_1, C_A0_2) = 0.132
    C(C_B0_1, k)      = 0.100

Based on these results, to determine the order of the rate expression with respect to two different species, how should you choose the initial conditions of the two species?#

The parameters should be chosen according to the optimal solutions computed using the full data set.