
Non-homogeneous linear ODEs#

Recap from last class#

For the 2nd order, linear, constant coefficients, homogeneous differential equation \(y'' + ay' + by = 0\) where \(a^2-4b<0\), the general solution is:

\[\begin{align*} y(x) &= e^{-\frac{a}{2}x}[A\sin(\omega x) + B\cos(\omega x)] && \omega = \sqrt{b - \frac{1}{4}a^2} \end{align*}\]

where \(A\) and \(B\) are our arbitrary constants. All components of the solution are real.


$y’’ + 2y’ + 3y = 0\( ; \)\hspace{0.5cm}y(0) = 2\( and \)y’(0) = -3$\

Characteristic equation:

(249)#\[\begin{align} \lambda^2 + 2\lambda + 3 = 0\\ a = 2, \hspace{1cm} b = 3 \end{align}\]
  • Since \(a^2 - 4b = -8\), we have complex roots

(250)#\[\begin{align} \lambda &= -\frac{1}{2}a \pm i\sqrt{b - \frac{1}{4}a^2}\\ &= -\frac{1}{2}a \pm i \omega \implies \omega = \sqrt{2}\\ \lambda &= -1 \pm i\sqrt{2} \end{align}\]
  • Great, so we know our general solution is:

(251)#\[\begin{align} y(x) &= e^{-\frac{a}{2}x} [A\cos(\omega x) + B\sin(\omega x)]\\ &= e^{-x}[A\cos(\sqrt{2}x) + B \sin(\sqrt{2}x)] \end{align}\]
  • To find \(A\) and \(B\), we will also need an expression for \(y'(x)\)

(252)#\[\begin{align} y'(x) &= -e^{-x}[A\cos(\sqrt{2}x) + B\sin(\sqrt{2}x)] + + e^{-x}[-\sqrt{2} A\sin(\sqrt{2}x) + \sqrt{2} B\cos(\sqrt{2}x)]\\ &= e^{-x}[(\sqrt{2} B - A) \cos(\sqrt{2}x) - (\sqrt{2}A + B)\sin(\sqrt{2}x)] \end{align}\]

Using Initial Conditions:

(253)#\[\begin{align} y(0) = 2 &= e^{-0}[A\cos(0) + B\sin(0)]\\ 2&=A \end{align}\]


(254)#\[\begin{align} y'(0) = -3 &= e^{-0}[(\sqrt{2}B - A) \cos(0) - (\sqrt{2}A + B) \sin(0)]\\ -3&=\sqrt{2}B - A\\ B &=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(-3 + A) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(-3+2)\\ B &= -\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} = -\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2} \end{align}\]
(255)#\[\begin{align} \therefore y(x) = e^{-x}[2 \cos(\sqrt{2}x) -\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}\sin(\sqrt{2}x)] \implies \text{particular solution} \end{align}\]

\(\underline{\text{Summary}}\): Homogeneous, linear \(2^\circ\) ODEs with constant coefficients

(256)#\[\begin{align} y'' + ay' + by = 0 \end{align}\]
  • Three types of solutions, arising from three cases for the characteristic equation \(\lambda^2 + a\lambda + b = 0\)

    1. Two real and different roots

    (257)#\[\begin{align} y(x) = c_1 ^{\lambda_1x} + c_2 e^{\lambda_2x} && \text{where } \lambda = \frac{1}{2}(-a \pm \sqrt{a^2 - 4b}) \end{align}\]
    1. Real, double roots

    (258)#\[\begin{align} y(x) = c_1 e^{\lambda x} + c_2 x e^{\lambda x} \end{align}\]
    1. Complex roots

    (259)#\[\begin{align} y(x) = c_1 e^{-\frac{a}{2}x}[A \sin(\omega x) + B \cos(\omega x)] && \text{where } \omega = \sqrt{b - \frac{1}{4}a^2} \end{align}\]

In each case, we have a basis of \(\underline{\text{two}}\) linearly independent solutions (for \(2^{nd}\) order). \(\rightarrow\) in case there’s just one, this necessitates that \(\lambda_1 \neq \lambda_2\), which is the definition of the case

Non-homogeneous Linear \(2^\circ\) ODEs (sec 2.8)#

(260)#\[\begin{align} y'' + p(x) y' + q(x) y = r(x) \end{align}\]
  • We build upon our knowledge of solving the homogenous case to solve non-homogeneous case.
    \(\underline{\text{General solution}}\):

(261)#\[\begin{align} y(x) = y_H(x) + y_P(x) \end{align}\]

where \(y_H(x) = c_1y_1(x) + c_2y_2(x)\), which is the “homogeneous solution” for \(r(x)\equiv 0\) and \(y_P(x)\) is the “particular solution” which accounts for non-homogeneous part and has no arbitrary constants (we need only two for a \(2^\circ\) ODE)

  • \(\underline{\text{NOTE}}\): \(c_1\) and \(c_2\) must be found using \(y(x) = y_H(x) + y_P(x)\), not just \(y_H(x)\)

  • We will do an example first and then describe the general method to find \(y_P(x)\)


\(y'' + 4y = e^x \) ; \(\hspace{0.5cm}y(0) = \frac{3}{5} \) and \(y'(0)=\frac{4}{5}\)

  • First, solve the homogeneous case:

(262)#\[\begin{align} y'' + 4y = 0 \implies \text{assume solution of form $e^{\lambda x}$} \end{align}\]

characteristic equation:

(263)#\[\begin{align} \lambda ^ 2 + 4 = 0 \implies \lambda = \pm 2i\\ a = 0, b = 4 \implies \omega = \sqrt{b - \frac{1}{4}a^2} = 2 \end{align}\]

\(\implies\) for imaginary roots, we know the solution is:

(264)#\[\begin{align} y_H(x) &= [c_1 \sin(\omega x) + c_2 \cos(\omega x)] e^{-\frac{a}{2}x}\\ &= c_1 \sin(2x) + c_2 \cos(2x) \implies \text{solution to homogeneous equation} \end{align}\]

Now, I will tell you that

(265)#\[\begin{align} y_P(x) &= \frac{1}{5}e^x\\ \therefore y(x) &= y_H(x) + \frac{1}{5}e^x\\ y'(x) &= y_H'(x) + \frac{1}{5}e^x\\ y''(x) &= y_H''(x) + \frac{1}{5}e^x \end{align}\]

Plugging these into original non-homogeneous equation:

(266)#\[\begin{align} y_H'' + \frac{1}{5}e^x + 4(y_H + \frac{1}{5}e^x) = e^x\\ y_H'' + \frac{1}{5}e^x + 4y_H + \frac{4}{5}e^x = e^x\\ y_H'' + 4y_H + e^x = e^x && \implies \text{equation holds and } y_P(x) = \frac{1}{5}e^x \text{is correct} \end{align}\]
  • Now we need the particular solution to the general solution of non-homogeneous equation using initial conditions. 1.

    (267)#\[\begin{align} y(0) = \frac{3}{5} &= c_1 \sin(2\cdot 0) + c_2 \cos (2\cdot 0) + \frac{1}{5} e^0\\ \frac{3}{5} &= c_2 + \frac{1}{5}\\ c_2 &= \frac{2}{5} \end{align}\]
    1. We need expression for \(y'(x)\) for \(2^{nd}\) I.C.

    (268)#\[\begin{align} y'(x) &= 2c_1\cos(2x) - 2c_2 \sin(2x) + \frac{1}{5}e^x\\ y'(0) = \frac{4}{5} &= 2c_1 \cos(2\cdot 0) - 2c_2 \sin(2\cdot 0) + \frac{1}{5}e^0\\ \frac{4}{5} &= 2c_1 + \frac{1}{5}\\ c_1 &= \frac{3}{10} \end{align}\]
    (269)#\[\begin{align} \therefore y(x) = \frac{3}{10} \sin(2x) + \frac{2}{5} \cos(2x) + \frac{1}{5} e^x \implies \text{particular solution to non-homogeneous linear $2^\circ$ ODE} \end{align}\]
  • How do we determine \(y_P(x)\)?

Method of Undetermined Coefficients (sec 2.9)#

(270)#\[\begin{align} y'' + ay' + by = r(x) \end{align}\]
  • If \(r(x)\) is a function s.t. \(r'(x)\) is like \(r(x)\), e.g. \(e^{\lambda x}\), \(\sin(\omega x)\), \(\cos(\omega x)\), \(x^n\)… we can choose \(y_P(x)\) based on \(r(x)\) \

Rules (from textbook)#

Table 2.1:

If \(r(x)=\)

Choose \(y_P(x)=\)



\(kx^n\) (\(n=0,1,2...\))

\(K_nx^n + K_{n-1}x^{n-1} + ... + K_1x + K_0\)

\(k\cos(\omega x)\) or \(k\sin(\omega x)\)

\(K\cos(\omega x) + M\sin(\omega x)\)

\(ke^{\alpha x}\cos(\omega x)\) or \(ke^{\alpha x}\sin(\omega x)\)

\(e^{\alpha x}(K\cos(\omega x) + M\sin(\omega x))\)

Here are some additional rules; we’ll see why these are important later:

  • Basic Rule. If \(r(x)\) is one of the functions in the first column in Table 2.1, choose in the same line and determine its undetermined coefficients by substituting \(y_p\) and its derivatives into the differential equation.

  • Modification Rule. If a term in your choice for \(y_p\) happens to be a solution of the homogeneous ODE corresponding to (4), multiply this term by x (or by \(x^2\) if this solution corresponds to a double root of the characteristic equation of the homogeneous ODE).

  • Sum Rule. If is a sum of functions in the first column of Table 2.1, choose for the sum of the functions in the corresponding lines of the second column.


  • Given \(y'' + ay' + by = r(x) \hspace{3cm} (*)\)

  • Solve \(y'' + ay' + by = 0\) to get \(y_H(x) = c_1y_1 + c_2y_2\)

  • Then choose \(y_P(x)\) based on \(r(x)\)

(271)#\[\begin{align} y(x) = c_1y_1 + c_2y_2 + y_P\\ y'(x) = c_1y_1' + c_2y_2' + y_p'\\ y''(x) = c_1y_1'' + c_2y_2'' + y_p'' \end{align}\]
  • Plug back into \((*)\) to check:

(272)#\[\begin{align} (c_1y_1'' + c_2y_2'' + y_P'') + a(c_1y_1' + c_2y_2' + y_P') + b(c_1y_1 + c_2y_2 + y_P) = r(x)\\ c_1(y_1'' + ay_1' + by_1) + c_2(y_2'' + ay_2' + by_2) + y_P'' + ay_P' + by_P = r(x) \end{align}\]

Therefore, \(y_P'' + ay_P' + by_P = r(x)\) and \(y_P\) is a linear solution to the problem (which is why only some functions work)

Example: \(y'' + 2y' - 3y = 4e^{2x}\)#

(273)#\[\begin{align} y(x) = y_H(x) + y_P(x) \end{align}\]
  1. Find \(y_H(x)\)

(274)#\[\begin{align} \lambda^2 + 2\lambda - 3 &= 0\\ (\lambda + 3)(\lambda - 1) &= 0 \implies \lambda_1 = 1; \hspace{0.5cm} \lambda_2 = -3 \end{align}\]
(275)#\[\begin{align} \therefore y_H(x) = c_1e^x + c_2 e^{-3x} \end{align}\]
  1. Choose \(y_P(x)\) based on \(r(x)\)
    \(\implies\) Since \(r(x) = 4e^{2x}\), let’s pick \(y_p(x) = Ke^{2x}\), where \(K\) is the undetermined coefficient (not arbitrary)

  2. Find \(K\) from non-homogeneous ODE

(276)#\[\begin{align} y_P'' + 2y_p' - 3y_p = 4e^{2x}\\ y_p' = 2Ke^{2x}\\ y_P'' = 4Ke^{2x} \end{align}\]
(277)#\[\begin{align} \implies 4Ke^{2x} + 4Ke^{2x} - 3Ke^{2x} = 4e^{2x}\\ 5K = 4\\ K = \frac{4}{5} \end{align}\]
  1. Write down general solution

(278)#\[\begin{align} y(x) = y_H(x) + y_P(x)\\ y(x) = c_1e^x + c_2e^{-3x} + \frac{4}{5}e^{2x} \end{align}\]

Still need 2 IC’s to find \(c_1\) and \(c_2\)

In-class problem#

Consider the differential equation $\(y''+y=0.001x^2\)\( The homogeneous solution is \)\(y_h=A\cos x+B\sin x\)$, as we saw in class last week. Find a particular solution to this differential equation using the MoUC rules above.

Non-homogeneous Linear \(2^\circ\) ODEs Continued#

\(\underline{\text{Caution}}\): If you choose a \(y_P(x)\) that is not linearly independent of \(y_1\) and \(y_2\), things will go wrong.

Example: \(y'' - 4y = 4e^{2x}\)#

  1. Solve \(y'' - 4y = 0\)

(279)#\[\begin{align} \lambda^2 - 4 &= 0 \implies \lambda_1 = 2; \hspace{0.5cm} \lambda_2 = -2\\ y_H(x) &= c_1e^{2x} + c_2 e^{-2x} \end{align}\]
  1. Choose \(y_P(x)\) based on \(r(x)\)
    Since \(r(x) = 4e^{2x}\), choose \(y_P(x) = Ke^{2x}\) as before.
    SPOILER: \(Ke^{2x}\) is not linearly independent of \(y_1(x) = e^{2x}\)

  2. Find \(K\) from non-homogeneous ODE

(280)#\[\begin{align} y_P'' - 4y_P = 4e^{2x}\\ y_P' = 2Ke^{2x}\\ y_P'' = 4Ke^{2x}\\ \implies 4Ke^{2x} - 4Ke^{2x} = 4e^{2x}\\ 0 = 4e^{2x} \hspace{2cm} ?? \end{align}\]

Step back:

  • If \(y(p)\) isn’t linearly independent, it can’t be absorbed into \(y_H(x)\).

(281)#\[\begin{align} y(x) &= c_1e^{2x} + c_2e^{-2x} + Ke^{2x}\\ &= (c_1 + K)e^{2x} + c_2 e^{-2x} \implies \text{no undefined coefficient} \end{align}\]
  • Solution: If \(y_P(x)\) is linearly dependent on \(y_1(x)\) or \(y_2(x)\), multiply \(y_P(x)\) by \(x\) to obtain a linearly independent new \(y_P(x)\) based on Reduction of Order.
    Therefore, choose \(y_P(x) = Kxe^{2x}\). Then,

(282)#\[\begin{align} y_P'(x) &= Ke^{2x} + 2Kxe^{2x}\\ y_P''(x) &= 2Ke^{2x} + 2Ke^{2x} + 4Kxe^{2x}\\ &= 4Ke^{2x} + 4Kxe^{2x} \end{align}\]
  1. Find \(K\)

(283)#\[\begin{align} y_P'' - 4y_P = 4e^{2x}\\ 4Ke^{2x} + 4Kxe^{2x} - 4Kxe^{2x} = 4e^{2x}\\ 4K = 4\\ K=1\\ \therefore y_P(x) = xe^{2x} \end{align}\]
  1. General Solution

(284)#\[\begin{align} y(x) &= y_H(x) + y_P(x)\\ y(x) &= c_1e^{2x} + c_2e^{-2x} + xe^{2x} \end{align}\]
  • Another place to be careful:
    \(\implies\) Double roots yields a homogeneous solution

(285)#\[\begin{align} y_H(x) = c_1e^{\lambda x} + c_2xe^{\lambda x} \end{align}\]

\(\implies\) Again, you must be careful to select \(y_P(x)\) s.t. it is linearly independent.
\(\implies\) if \(r(x) \propto e^{\lambda x} \) or \(xe^{\lambda x}\), then \(y_P(x) = Kx^2e^{\lambda x}\) (Obtained from a second reduction of order)

More complex example: \(y'' + 2y' -3y = -3x^2 + \sin(x)\)#

  1. Solve the homogeneous ODE

(286)#\[\begin{align} y'' + 2y' - 3y = 0\\ \lambda^2 + 2\lambda -3 = 0\\ (\lambda+3)(\lambda-1) = 0 && \implies \lambda_1 = 1, \hspace{0.5cm} \lambda_2 = -3\\ y_H(x) = c_1e^x + c_2e^{-3x} \end{align}\]
  1. Choose \(y_P(x)\) based on \(r(x)\)
    \(\underline{\text{Rule}}\): If \(r(X)\) is a sum of wo functions, then \(y_P(x)\) should be a sum of the corresponding functions.

(287)#\[\begin{align} r(x) &= -3x^2 + \sin(x)\\ \therefore y_P(x) &= Ax^2 + Bx + C + K\sin(x) + M\cos(x) \end{align}\]
  1. Find undetermined coefficients from ODE

(288)#\[\begin{align} y_P' &= 2Ax + B + K\cos(x) - M\sin(x)\\ y_P'' &= 2A - K\sin(x) - M\cos(x) \end{align}\]
  • Plugging into ODE:

(289)#\[\begin{align} 2A - K\sin(x) - M\cos(x) + 2[2Ax + B + K\cos(x) - M\sin(x)] - 3[Ax^2 + Bx + C + K\sin(x) + M\cos(x)] = -3x^2 + \sin(x) \end{align}\]
  • Rearrange to collect ‘like’ terms

(290)#\[\begin{align} -3Ax^2 + (4A - 3B)x + (2A + 2B - 3C) + (-K -2M -3K)\sin(x) + (-M + 2K -3M)\cos(x) = -3x^2 + \sin(x) \end{align}\]
  • Determine the values of the coefficients on each \(f(x)\) that will solve the equation

    1. \(-3Ax^2 = -3x^2 \implies A = 1\)

    2. \((4A-3B)x - 0\) because \(r(x)\) has no ‘\(x\)’ term . Hence, \(4-3B = 0 \implies B = \frac{4}{3}\)

    3. \(2A + 2B - 3C = 0 \implies 2+\frac{8}{3} - 3C = 0 \implies C=\frac{14}{9}\)

    4. \(-K -2M -3K = 1 \implies 2M = -4K -1 \implies M = -2K -\frac{1}{2}\)

    (291)#\[\begin{align} -M + 2K -3M = 0\\ 2K = 4M\\ K = 2(-2K-\frac{1}{2}) = -4K-1\\ \implies K = -\frac{1}{5}\\ \implies M = -\frac{1}{10} \end{align}\]
    (292)#\[\begin{align} \therefore y_P(x) = -3x^2 + \frac{4}{3}x + \frac{14}{9}-\frac{1}{10}(2\sin x + \cos x) \end{align}\]
  1. Write down the general solution

(293)#\[\begin{align} y(x) &= y_H(x) + y_P(x)\\ &= c_1e^x + c_2e^{-3x} + y_P(x) \end{align}\]