
Exact ODEs#


We did a lot last class!

  • Definition of differential equations and classifications

    • Linear/non-linear

    • ODE/PDE

    • Order

    • Separable diff eq

  • Implicit vs explicit solutions

  • General vs particular solutions

  • Mol balance applications with an accumulation term

Misc logistics:

  • Exam practice is up on google drive (Exam Thursday next week, 2/24)

  • First SI session will be this week (I think weekend?) and cover a review for exam 1

  • There will be a shorter HW assigned this week to practice exact differential equations

Exact 1st-order ODEs#

\(\rightarrow\) Specific type of ODE
\(\rightarrow\) Method of solving exact \(1^\circ\) ODEs was developed by guessing and messing around.
\(\rightarrow\) Now, if we can classify as “exact”, we have a method to find the solution.

  • The \(1^\circ\) ODE \(\frac{dy}{dx} = f(x,y)\) is exact if:

    1. It can be written as \(M(x,y)dx + N(x,y)dy = 0 \hspace{3cm} (*)\)

    2. There is some function \(u(x,y)\) such that

    (114)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} =M(x,y) && \text{and} && \frac{\partial u}{\partial y}=N(x,y) \end{align}\]

\(\rightarrow\) plugging this into \((*)\), we see:

(115)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}dx + \frac{\partial u}{\partial y} dy = 0\\ \therefore du = 0 \end{align}\]

\(\rightarrow\) integrating this gives \(u(x,y) = c\)
\(\rightarrow\) Therefore if we have an exact equation \(y'=f(x,y)\), then the general solution can be written as \(u(x,y) = c \implies\) function of \(x,y\) gives a constant, not a derivative.

To prove exactness:

  • Does \(u(x,y)\) exist such that

(116)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} = M(x,y) && \text{and} && \frac{\partial u}{\partial y} = N(x,y) \hspace{1cm} ? \end{align}\]

This strategy can also be applied to higher order differential equations, but it’s not as helpful there so I’m not going to cover that in lectures.

  • If we assume continuity of the derivatives of \(u(x,y)\), then we can write

(117)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial^2u}{\partial x\partial y} &= \frac{\partial^2u}{\partial y\partial x}\\ \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial y} \right) &= \frac{\partial}{\partial y}\left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial x} \right)\\ \frac{\partial}{\partial x}N(x,y) &= \frac{\partial}{\partial y}M(x,y) && \leftarrow \text{if exact, this will be true} \end{align}\]


\[3xy^2y' + y^3 = 0\]

\(3xy^2y' + y^3 = 0 \rightarrow\) we can solve 2 ways: by separating and by exactness

  1. Separate

(118)#\[\begin{align} 3xy^2 \frac{dy}{dx} = -y^3\\ \frac{3}{y} dy = -\frac{1}{x}dx\\ 3 \ln y = - \ln x + \beta\\ \ln (y^3) + \ln x = \beta\\ \ln(xy^3) = \beta\\ xy^3 = \exp \beta \\ xy^3 = \alpha &&\rightarrow \text{implicit solution(didn't solve for y) by separation} \end{align}\]
  1. Let’s check to see if we can solve by exactness:
    a) Write as \(M(x,y)dx + N(x,y)dy=0\):

(119)#\[\begin{align} y^3dx + 3xy^2 dy = 0 \end{align}\]

b) Check if \(\frac{\partial}{\partial x}N(x,y) = \frac{\partial}{\partial y} M(x,y)\)

(120)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} (3xy^2) &= \frac{\partial}{\partial y}(y^3)\\ 3y^2 &= 3y^2 && \rightarrow \text{ODE is exact; we can continue} \end{align}\]

c) Find \(u(x,y)\)

(121)#\[\begin{align} \text{we know that} && \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} = M(x,y) = y^3\\ \text{and} && \frac{\partial u}{\partial y} = N(x,y) = 3xy^2\\ \end{align}\]

Since these are partial derivatives, we can integrate them as follows:

(122)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} &= y^3\\ \int du &= \int y^3 dx\\ u(x,y) &= xy^3 + k(y) \end{align}\]

we need to include the last term because its derivative wr.t. \(x=0\)
We can find \(k(y)\) by considering our second partial derivative:

(123)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial u}{\partial y} = 3xy^2\\ \frac{\partial}{\partial y}(xy^3 + k(y)) = 3xy^2\\ 3xy^2 + \frac{dk}{dy} = 3xy^2\\ \frac{dk}{dy} = 0 \implies k(y) = k && \text{(constant)}\\ \therefore u(x,y) = xy^3 + k \end{align}\]

d) Use \(u(x,y)\) to identify solution

(124)#\[\begin{align} u(x,y) = c = xy^3 + k \\ \implies xy^3 = \alpha \end{align}\]

Implicit solution; same as when we separated.


(125)#\[\begin{align} y' = \frac{-2xy^3 - 2}{3x^2y^2 + e^y} && \text{(not separable)} \end{align}\]
  1. Put into the form \(M(x,y)dx + N(x,y)dy = 0\)

(126)#\[\begin{align} (2xy^3 + 2) dx + (3x^2y^2 + e^y)dy = 0 \end{align}\]
  1. Check for exactness

(127)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial x}N(x,y) &= \frac{\partial}{\partial y}M(x,y) && \text{(must be true)}\\ \frac{\partial}{\partial x} (3x^2y^2 + e^y) &= \frac{\partial}{\partial y} (2xy^3 + 2)\\ 3y^2\frac{\partial}{\partial x} (x^2) &= 2x \frac{\partial}{\partial y}(y^3)\\ 6y^2x &=6xy^2 &&\text{(exact)} \end{align}\]
  1. Now find \(u(x,y)\) such that

(128)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial u}{\partial y} = N(x,y)=3x^2y^2 + e^y && \text{and} && \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} = M(x,y)=2xy^3 + 2 && \text{(can start with either)} \end{align}\]
(129)#\[\begin{align} \int \partial u = \int (3x^2y^2 + e^y) dy\\ u(x,y) = x^2y^3 + e^y + k(x) \end{align}\]

\(\rightarrow\) determine \(k(y)\) with second partial derivative:

(130)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial x}(x^2y^3 + e^y + k(x)) &= 2xy^3 + 2\\ 2xy^3 + \frac{dk}{dx} &= 2xy^3 + 2\\ \frac{dk}{dx} &= 2\\ k(x) &= 2x + k \end{align}\]

\(\therefore u(x,y) = x^2y^3 + e^y + 2x + k\) 4. Find implicit solution using \(u(x,y) = c\)

(131)#\[\begin{align} c = x^2y^3 + e^y + 2x + k\\ x^2 y^3 + e^y + 2x = \alpha && \text {general solution} \end{align}\]

Integrating Factors#

  • Intefrating Factors (IFs) are a tool we can use to make some inexact equations exact so we can solve.
    In general, we have

(132)#\[\begin{align} P(x,y)dx + Q(x,y) dy = 0 \end{align}\]

Where \(\frac{\partial P}{\partial y} \neq \frac{\partial Q}{\partial x} \implies\) not exact

  • We can try to find an I.F., \(F(x,y)\), s.t. \(F(x,y)P(x,y)dx + F(x,y)Q(x,y)dy = 0\) is an exact equation. This would require:

(133)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial y}[F(x,y)P(x,y)] &= \frac{\partial}{\partial x} [F(x,y)Q(x,y)]\\ F(x,y)\frac{\partial P}{\partial y} + P(x,y)\frac{\partial F}{\partial y} &= F(x,y)\frac{\partial Q}{\partial x} + Q(x,y)\frac{\partial F}{\partial x} \end{align}\]

Knowing only P(x,y) and Q(x,y) would make this nearly impossible to solve. Can use the following strategy:

  1. First assume that \(F(x,y) = F(x)\) only. Now,

(134)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial F}{\partial y} = 0 && \text{and} && \frac{\partial F}{\partial x} = \frac{dF}{dx} && \text{(partial becomes full)} \end{align}\]
(135)#\[\begin{align} \therefore F(x) \frac{\partial P}{\partial y} + P(x,y) \frac{\partial F}{\partial y} &= F(x) \frac{\partial Q}{\partial x} + Q(x,y) \frac{dF}{dx}\\ F(x)\left[\frac{\partial P}{\partial y} - \frac{\partial Q}{\partial x} \right] &= Q(x,y)\frac{dF}{dx}\\ \frac{1}{F(x)}\frac{dF}{dx} &= \frac{1}{Q(x,y)}\left[\frac{\partial P}{\partial y} - \frac{\partial Q}{\partial x} \right] \end{align}\]

we know the RHS term, call it \(R(x,y)\)
\(\rightarrow\) If \(R(x,y) = R(x)\) only, then you can find \(F(x)\) from integration

(136)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial F}{F} = R(x)dx \implies F(x) = \exp\left[\int R(x)dx \right] \end{align}\]

\(\rightarrow\) If \(R(x,y)\neq R(x)\), then out assumption that \(F(x,y)=F(x)\) is not true. Then try step 2.

  1. Assume \(F(x,y) = F(y)\) only. Then,

(137)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial F}{\partial x} = 0 && \text{and} && \frac{\partial F}{\partial y} = \frac{dF}{dy} \end{align}\]

Partial derivative equation simplifies to:

(138)#\[\begin{align} \frac{1}{F} \frac{dF}{dy} = \frac{1}{P(x,y)}\left[\frac{\partial Q}{\partial x} - \frac{\partial P}{\partial y} \right] \end{align}\]

Again, let RHS = \(R(x,y)\)
\(\rightarrow\) If \(R(x,y) = R(y)\) only then \(F(y) = \exp \left[\int R(y)dy \right]\)
\(\rightarrow\)If \(R(x,y) \neq R(y)\), then \(F(x,y)\) = function of both \(x\) and \(y\) and you will need some other clue to solve.


(139)#\[\begin{align} \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{-2xy}{4y + 3x^2} \end{align}\]
  1. rewrite as: \((2xy)dx + (4y + 3x^2) dy = 0\)

  2. check for exactness:

(140)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial P}{\partial y} &= \frac{\partial Q}{\partial x}\\ 2x &\neq 6x \implies \text{not exact} \end{align}\]
  1. Try to find an I.F. \(F(x,y)=F(x)\)

(141)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial (FP)}{\partial y} &= \frac{\partial (FQ)}{\partial x}\\ F\frac{\partial P}{\partial y} + P\frac{\partial F}{\partial y} &= F \frac{\partial Q}{\partial x} + Q\frac{\partial F}{\partial x}\\ \therefore \frac{1}{F} \frac{dF}{dx} &= \frac{1}{Q}\left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial y} - \ \frac{\partial Q}{\partial x}\right)\\ &=\frac{1}{4y + 3x^2}(2x-6x)\\ &=-\frac{4x}{4y+3x^2} \implies \text{($R(x,y)$ depends on $x$ and $y\rightarrow$ no good)} \end{align}\]
  1. Try to find I.F. \(F(x,y) = F(y)\)

(142)#\[\begin{align} \frac{1}{F} \frac{dF}{dy} &= \frac{1}{P}\left(\frac{\partial Q}{\partial x} - \frac{\partial P}{\partial y} \right)\\ &=\frac{1}{2xy}(6x-2x) = \frac{2}{y} = R(y) && \text{(good!)} \end{align}\]


(143)#\[\begin{align} \int \frac{dF}{F} &= \int \frac{2}{y}dy\\ \ln F(y) &= 2 \ln y\\ F(y) &= y^2 \end{align}\]
  1. We can now make our equation exact using \(F(y)\)

(144)#\[\begin{align} F(y)[P(x,y)dx + Q(x,y)dy] = 0\\ y^2 [(2xy)dx + (4y + 3x^2)dy] = 0\\ 2xy^3 dx + (4y^3 + 3x^2y^2)dy = 0 \end{align}\]
  1. Check for exactness:

(145)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial y}(2xy^3) &= \frac{\partial}{\partial x}(4y^3 + 3x^2y^2)\\ 6xy^2 &=6xy^2 && \text{exact} \end{align}\]
  1. Find \(u(x,y)\)

(146)#\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} = 2xy^3 \implies u(x,y) = x^2y^3 + k(y)\\ \frac{\partial u}{\partial y} = \frac{\partial}{\partial y} (x^2y^3 + k(y)) = 4y^3 + 3x^2y^2\\ 3x^2y^2 + \frac{dk}{dy} = 4y^3 + 3x^2y^2\\ k(y) = y^4 + k \end{align}\]
  1. Find implicit solution using \(u(x,y) = c\)

(147)#\[\begin{align} x^2y^3 + y^4 + k = c\\ x^2 y^3 + y^4 = \alpha && \text{general solution} \end{align}\]